Have just got a puppy and you are taking him/her on vacation for the first time, or have you always had dogs but it has always been a challenge to take them on vacation with you? Are you thinking about solving that particular problem with your dog while on vacation? If you are in any of these situations or many other dogs related issues, Il Cucciolo is the ideal holiday farm where to plan your vacation. Its purpose since 2007 has been to offer special services to people traveling with their pets. Our guests can have extra services for their dogs, like dog-sitting, dog-training or general assistance for their pets.
The owner Breon O’Farrell is a behavioural dog trainer from New York who exercised this profession in Manhattan for more than 20 years. He has been living in Umbria since 2005, where he works as a dog trainer and is available for lessons, group classes and consultations of various kind. He is the author of the book “Philosophy Dog. The Art of living with man’s best friends” (published in the States in 2001 and on sale on Amazon), which deals with his philosophy on how to become better leader of your dog.
Breon can work with you on basic training, on socialisation problems, on aggression issues and other behavioural problems. hime living in Umbria he got the chance of applying his “American Method” to teaching dogs how to find truffles with very good results. He is more and more known in the community of truffle hunters in Umbria and Tuscany.
Thanks to his presence, guests at “Il Cucciolo” can enjoy their vacation while taking a personalised course on their specific issues with their dog, during a weekend or during a week long staying.
The Holiday Farm sells the so called “Weekend-training” or “Week-training” packages. They include a two days (during the week too) or a seven days vacation in one of the apartments with breakfast and dinner included and a personalised training course of 4 or 8 hours. The cost of these packages varies depending on the season. If you are thinking to have some form of support during your vacation at “Il Cucciolo” let us know while making a reservation so that we can suggest the best possible solution for your staying.