Passeggiata Breon O'FarrellNext October 18th, Breon O’Farrell will lead a walk in Rome, in the Caffarella Park, for people and their dogs. The “event named “Passeggio con Il Cucciolo a Roma” is an occasion to know Breon philosophy about training dogs, also for people who didn’t have a chance of visiting him at Agriturismo Il Cucciolo where he lives and works.
Here is why we should walk our dogs, according to Breon O’Farrell. It is a valid question for anyone who owns one, especially a little one or an old one or a particularly calm dog.
The answer is made up of many parts:

  • The number one reason to walk your dog is so that you can communicate who you are to him in action, not words. You are a verbal animal, your dog is not. He prefers action from you when you are explaining limits and behaviors to him.
  • Draining energy from your dog is important so that he can be more collaborative. It is hard to cooperate when you are full full full of energy.
  • When a dog is walked properly there are opportunities to see the world and to learn how to behave in that world. Opportunities for you to instruct.
  • Walking the dog is when you share time and common purpose. Staying in shape is important for both of you.
  • There is a social component to it also. Getting out with the dog is like telling the world “I live nearby, and I am a stable person. Say hi to me!” especially to other dog owners.
  • If you need to lose weight it is important to kill two birds with one stone and drain the dog.
  • If you are unwell and need to recuperate, exercise is probably recommended by your doctor.
  • Everyone knows that sunlight in the winter is crucial and fresh air is useful all year round.
  • Obviously your dog should release his bladder and move his bowels outside, and since your out together you may as well take a walk. Dogs are social animals after all.
  • Not only are dogs social, they are curious. And we must provide them a time for exploring and sniffing. Sniffing time is when the leader says so, and this is the basis for explaining who you are to the dog.
  • When you finish your walk together your dog should feel safe because you provided security, relaxed because you gave exercise, happy because you are working together like a family, a team, doing a job. Staying in shape, exploring, stopping and exploring when the leader say so, staying together. This is the perfect time to feed the dog further driving home the point that you are are competent reliable leader who tends to all the needs of her pup.
  • Studies show that people who exercise, own a pet, belong to a group and have a hobby, live longer lives. Assuming of course that they look both ways before crossing the street.

See you all on October 18th Bravi padroni!
Let’s get together and each other and our dogs in Rome. It will give us an opportunity to feel grateful and we might just learn something. Dogs have so much to teach us. Lets learn!